Friday, December 5, 2014

Pain in the Neck

So I woke up today a little late.  Went to bed late again then Hannah threw up around 4am so I had to get that all squared away.  She was so polite about the whole affair though, super cute how she asked if her bed was dry after her shower and new jammies.  The laundry seems to be my main focus today but not sure how much will actually get done since I crinked my neck in bed and can't turn to the right.  Amazing how such a little thing can cramp your entire program.

I told Naomi she could practice making bread and braiding it again today for Shabbat.  I have some store bought ravioli I was thinking of making for dinner but we had spaghetti last night ... I really need to work on my menu.

I hear the smallest one stirring from her morning nap and time to get the kitchen under control.

Oh, and I did yogurt again last night but I used a powder.  Not sure if it worked.  Tastes kind of cheesy rather than yogurt-y.

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